Treasured Wisdom

The Importance of Grandparents

A blog dedicated entirely to grandparents shares 10 reasons why grandparents are so important in their family and in society:

Grandparents have a broader perspective on life than parents who are often overwhelmed with the responsibilities of child rearing. This article describes ten lessons that parents can learn from a grandparent’s perspective.

Grandparents can have a great impact on a child’s emotional intelligence, including learning lessons such as how family relationships work and that they can feel safe in a family member’s home.

What’s in a Name

If you’re looking for a more fun nickname for grandparents, gives a list of traditional and non-traditional names you might consider.

Reader’s Digest explains the names that cultures around the world call their grandparents.

Activities to do with Grandparents

Legacy Project gives a wealth of questions to ask grandparents in order to help them share their legacy and pass on family history.

Whether you’re planning a Grandparent’s Day celebration, a family reunion or just a weekend get-together, there are plenty of activity ideas and resources designed to strengthen intergenerational bonds from Legacy Project! offers five hands-on ways that grandparents can help with their grandchild’s development.

Wisdom Proverbs

Did you enjoy the wisdom sayings in Celebrate! Grandmas and Grandpas? Check out this resource to learn more cultural proverbs from around the world!