STAND Together Against Bullying

MVP Kids equips parents, teachers, and caregivers to be the best mentor in their children's lives. These resources correspond to our books and can help you dig deeper into the topics your child needs help with the most.

Psychological Effects of Witnessing Bullying

The American Psychological Association found that witnesses to bullying may face more mental health risks than bullies and victims.

Sherri Gordon, from gives six ways bystanders are impacted.

 Standing Up to Bullies

How can you teach your child to stand up for someone who is being bullied:
The Pragmatic Parent offers advice on how to teach courageous kids to stand up and stop bullying.

How to teach kids not only to stand up for someone being bullied, but to be their friend afterwards:

Ways you can encourage kids to overcoming bullying with kindness:

The role of drama in education in counteracting bullying in schools:

U.S. Federal Government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that includes extensive research, articles and training on dealing with bullying.