Sarah Sizes Up the Insecure Ant

How can children to develop security?

Building self-esteem in children begins with Acceptance, Belonging and Competence. Learn how to develop these skills in your child.

Many other sites offer a variety of suggestions for developing a positive self-esteem in chidren

Making friends can be one of the greatest and most important challenges of childhood and adolescence. If your child is struggling with making good friends, try some of these tips.

On the extreme end of the spectrum for insecurity and shyness lies social anxiety disorder. If your child’s insecurity and social fears are a great concern, discuss these concerns with your doctor.

About Ants

National Geographic shares 10 amazing facts about ants! Did you know that some ants can live up to 30 years, making them the longest living insect!!/register

Do you mostly feel insecure or confident? Download and answer a few questions on Sarah’s Confidence Quiz to find out how strong your self-esteem is and give yourself a confidence boost!