Celebrate! Our Differences

Noticing Differences

Children’s brains are great at noticing small differences and they’re working hard to recognize what differences mean, which ones are important and which ones are not pertinent. Rather than being embarrassed when your child recognizes a difference, use the opportunity to place the difference in context for them.

What is person-first language?

This article by Johanna Hirons, a writer and mother of a child with Down’s Syndrome discusses the use of language referring to people with differences and disabilities.


A number of people with various diagnoses share how they feel about the language people use to discuss their disability.


Talking About Differences With Your Child

Here are some helpful Do’s and Don’ts for talking about adoption.


An age-by-age guide for talking with your children about racism and raising your child to appreciate differences in race and culture.

This article contains tips on talking with your children about peers with special needs.

Developing a Positive Sense of Self

This research paper on early childhood learning by Early Years Specialist Geraldine French discusses the importance of acceptance and inclusion of children’s differences. A child’s positive view of his or her ethnicity and other differences are key components of self-esteem and success.

NCCA – Children’s Learning and Development

Special Needs resources

Have you just received a diagnosis for your child or looking to find out more about a condition or disability that a friend or neighbor has? Are you considering special needs adoption or do you teach children with differences? Here is a list of resources where you can search for information by diagnosis.



The websites below offer additional resources and information about organizations in place to help families of children with special needs.
